Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a platform to provide recognition to the informal learning or learning through work to get equal acceptance as the formal levels of education. It aims to appreciate prior learning irrespective of the medium of achieving it. In short, RPL is a process of assessment of an individual’s prior learning to give due importance to learning as an outcome rather than learning as process.
To ensure that the candidates being assessed under RPL are also oriented to the standardized NSQF levels, QP-NOSs that would be followed under RPL will be same as the one followed under fresh training. Further, to ensure the acceptance of RPL in Indian market, various pilots have been conducted by different sector skill councils and NSDA and the learning are incorporated while preparing the guidelines for RPL in the PMKVY.
A huge section of India’s unorganized workforce is unskilled and semi-skilled. Most of them pick up skills and knowledge in an informal set up by observing people or working under their guidance or through complete self-learning. As a result, even though they manage to get a job and earn a decent wage or salary, they may not be able to improve their skills. This also affects their productivity and quality of output. They need access to training programs and support from their employers to skill and up skill themselves. This is where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can help them get assessed and certified on their current competencies as per NSQF levels. RPL also shows them a path to bridge their current knowledge and skill levels to reach a competency level or go for higher skills for professional growth